
Let's go back in time a bit. Franck was born in the Beauce region, more precisely in the town of Sainte-Marie, located a few kilometers southeast of Lévis. His childhood took place between his hometown, the southern suburbs of Montréal and the beautiful city of Québec. At a very young age, he had the chance to discover fishing, hunting and trapping when a school friend invited him, on several occasions, to his cottage in Bellechasse. Already at that time, the young François felt the attraction of the countryside and each stay in the forest cultivated in him the flame that animates him today.

After studying physical geography at Laval University and three years of service as an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces, Franck worked in the restaurant business before being approached by a friend in Calgary who was looking for a representative for Eastern Canada for a company in development that specialized in financial management software. It was at this point that his career took off. Trained within the firm, he held various jobs, but mainly he was in charge of the development and operation of stock purchase plan and compensation management applications for more than ten years.

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